In your next video conference, what if you could show confidence and professionalism using your body language?
It’s a skill that you can absolutely develop!
Discover 12 body language for video conference that you can start using today to make an awesome digital impression on others!
Let’s dive right in!
Virtual body language? Different than in real life?
Actually, there are some points in common between having a confident body language through video conferences and having one in real life.
You can have a confident body language in both situations!
You just have to pay attention to both of them and to do some adjustments.
Let me show you how yo be more comfortable and confident during your next virtual meetings. Having a confident body language in video conferencing is a skill that you can develop!
If you’re interested in learning how to have a confident body language, I really recommend you to have a look at this post & podcast episode that also has a great infographic:
11 Confident Body Language Tips to Feel Empowered in 2020 [Infographic]
Body Language For Video Conference: the 12 Tips that You Need
Go through the body language tips for video conferencing, grab the infographic, and develop this skill right away! 🙂
You can be better at it, it’s actually new for everyone so… Don’t beat yourself up for not mastering it yet! 🙂
Okay, let’s discover together the online conference best practices, it’s kind of a video conference checklist that you can save and screenshot for whenever you’re going to need it! 🙂
1. Sit up straight!
I know it might be tempting to slouch, but sit or stand up straight facing your computer and camera.
It will help you bring great energy from within into the call!
This is for sure the best position for video conferencing.
2. Show that you’re listening!
You can nudge, make a thumbs up, look sometimes at the lens of the camera, say “hum”, any body gestures to respond to what others are saying and showing that you are listening here and right now! 🙂
It’s important for others to understand that you’re with them during that time even if physically, it’s a bit different than what you’re been used to until now…
When you are talking, you also want to feel like someone is listening to what you have to say! 🙂
3. Focus on the call and not on the surroundings!
Be 100% there!
Even on videos, we can see if you’re doing something on your computer or looking at your phone.
Be in the present moment, when you’re not meeting face to face it’s easy to be distracted, make sure you give the other person (and others) your full attention.
Again, it’s probably the behavior you would expect from others when you’re the one talking on the phone, always think about this! 🙂
This tip is an important one for you to succeed in this body language for video conference.
4. Show your upper body!
Pay attention to what’s showing through the camera. Show not just your face but all of your upper body.
It actually looks quite weird if we just see your face. Don’t be afraid to show your hands! 😉
5. Make “eye contact”!
I know this one sounds a bit ironic to do on videos, but it’s great if you look straight in the lens of the camera as much as possible!
Just as if you were talking to these people in real life.
Remember that we look into others’ eyes to connect on a deeper level, saying that we see them/hear them.
6. Smile be warm!
This is very important, as much as in real life than in a virtual meeting.
Be empathetic as much as possible!
Understand that everyone is looking at reality through their own glasses. We all have different interpretations of what’s going on depending on our own experiences, beliefs, and values.
Be gentle, put yourself into someone else’s shoes, don’t take things personally! 🙂
Ask others how they’re doing.
It will make the situation a bit more natural, a bit more human, less formal.
7. Make pauses while you speak!
Remember that mostly during a video conference call, only one person can speak at a time, so give people the opening to respond to what you say.
I probably don’t do it enough in real life and it’s after hours on video conferences that I realized how much making pauses is important not only in the virtual world but also in reality. 🙂
8. Take an active part in the call!
Even if you don’t talk, ask questions to participate.
You have to show that you’re there too! 🙂
9. Control your voice tone and speed!
Without being obsessed about it, pay attention to articulate correctly.
Talk slowly and adapt the tone of your voice.
10. Be prepared for the meeting!
As much as some of us like surprises and spontaneity, we are more comfortable with what we know and with certainty.
So, have control over what you can control! 🙂
Ask yourself these questions:
- What is the point of this meeting?
- Why are you present?
- What’s in it for you?
It will help you focus (and stay focused!) and it will show through your body language!
Video meetings might feel less serious than in reality meetings but that’s still a chance for you to shine! 😉
This tip is definitely one of the video conferencing techniques that you have to think about next time you’re going live!
11. Dress like you would have dressed in reality!
Pay attention to the way you’re dressing also on video conferences.
People are joking about the fact that you just have to pay attention to what you wear only in the upper body part…
That’s their choice! 😉
I like to feel like I’m entirely ready for this virtual meeting! 🙂
12. Be yourself!
This is by far the most important body language tips for video conferencing in my eyes.
Don’t be obsessed with having the perfect body language during your next virtual meeting.
Nothing is perfect in this world and that what makes it so awesome! 🙂
The last tip is that I want you to be your true self!
Be as natural as you can! 🙂
Every meeting on video is kind of a new thing, it’s new for everyone so do not ever blame yourself/beat yourself up!
Be your own friend, be your own coach and you’ll do great with your body language on video calls! 🙂
What can you do differently, the next call?
A few hours after the call, you can ask yourself:
What will I do differently next time?
Don’t overthink what has been said or done, simply learn for next time.
Always, be action-oriented!
Look at problems more as challenges!
Like this, you’ll become amazing with your zoom body language! 🙂
What is a great virtual meeting body language in your opinion?
Ask yourself what is a confident body language on a video call?
Think about it for a minute.
Continue with these questions:
- What is this person’s behavior?
- What is this person thinking?
- How is this person feeling? What kind of feelings do they have? Maybe capable? Warm? Curious? Alert?
- How are they acting?
- What do you think is a great body language on a video call?
- What are things that you would rather not do on a video call?
Have this person in your head at all times.
Then, you can imitate them, this is how you develop an amazing video meeting body language!
You’ll simply have the best virtual meeting body language from now on! 🙂
Observe others in video conferences…
I want you to really pay attention to the way others are behaving…
How are others behaving on videos?
What do you want to imitate? What do you think is good and what is not?
What if it’s a call without videos?
You can still use these tips on a call without videos.
When you really think about it, body language is nothing until we give it a certain meaning.
By saying this, I want to say that all of the tips need to come from within you.
For example, to sit up straight, of course that if there is a video, it’s a great way to show to others that you’re present, but when there’s no video, I recommend you to still sit straight.
It will bring the right energy for YOURSELF.
Also, being focused on the call.
When nobody sees us, we are tempted to do something else, scroll down on social media for example.
Don’t do this, behave like you would want someone else to behave on that call.
Maybe just the dressing part can be avoided! 😉
Just kidding about that one…!
So, in the end, some tips for video conferencing from home are the same for a call conference! 🙂
To sum up!
As you can see, you can develop the skills of having a confident body language in virtual meetings and conferences but also in real life.
Go through these infographics again, try the tips in your next meetings, and then be action-oriented: What can I do differently next time?
And also, always keep in mind: What is your intention behind this call happening?
What’s in it for you?
This will give you control over the situation and you’ll develop a great body language for video conference.
Somehow, you are choosing to take part in this call. Take the best and leave the rest! 🙂