Looking for a list of core values to guide your personal growth?!
Core values help you align your actions with what truly matters in your life.
Let’s explore how these values can inspire you and bring clarity to your journey!
Personal Core Value List PDF Example
Download/Screenshot the list of core values to connect with your true self and take your personal development to the next level! 🙂
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Identify your core personal values examples!
Grab the full short document to discover your core values and embark on a journey of self-discovery that leads to meaningful work!
Define your personal value
Your personal value is what you truly embody and what resonates deeply with you!
It’s the foundation of self-respect and guides the choices you make every day.
When you define your values, you align your life with what truly matters.
Values important, values and beliefs
Value Examples
Define your core values
Your core values are what you truly embody and what resonates deeply with you.
They’re the foundation of self-respect and guide the choices you make every day! 🙂
Want to dive deeper? Get the PDF to uncover and define your own core values!
Discovering Values: The Story of Viktor Frankl
One of the most famous and impactful stories about discovering values comes from Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor. Frankl’s profound experience during World War II shaped his understanding of life’s ultimate meaning and the role of core values in human resilience.
Frankl was imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps, including Auschwitz, where he endured unimaginable suffering. He lost his wife, parents, and brother, and yet, amid the horrors, he observed a fascinating truth about human survival. Frankl noticed that those who survived the camps weren’t necessarily the strongest or the healthiest, but those who held onto a deep sense of purpose and a set of values that transcended their immediate circumstances.
In his groundbreaking book Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl recounted how he clung to the value of love and purpose to endure his suffering. One story he shared was about imagining himself lecturing to students after his release. He visualized standing in front of an audience, sharing the lessons he learned about the human spirit. This vision gave him a reason to endure and a belief that his suffering could have meaning. He held onto his values of hope, love, and the belief in the dignity of life, even in a place designed to strip people of all humanity.
Frankl’s experience led him to develop logotherapy, a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes finding meaning in life as a driving force. One of his core ideas is that we always have the freedom to choose our attitude, regardless of circumstances. This belief stems directly from his values of autonomy, purpose, and resilience.
For Frankl, discovering his values not only helped him survive but also empowered him to transform his suffering into a legacy that has inspired millions worldwide. His teachings show that values are not abstract ideals—they are practical guides for making decisions and finding purpose, even in the darkest times.
This story teaches us an essential truth: discovering and living in alignment with our values can profoundly impact our lives. Values like compassion, hope, and resilience are not just moral principles—they can be lifelines in adversity. By anchoring ourselves to what we truly embody and believe, we create a sense of direction that helps us navigate challenges.
Whether it’s deciding to treat others with kindness, committing to personal growth, or pursuing meaningful work, our values shape the story of our lives. Viktor Frankl’s journey reminds us that discovering our core values isn’t just about personal development—it’s about surviving, thriving, and making our lives meaningful.
If you’re ready to define your own values and uncover what matters most to you, take a moment to reflect. You might be surprised by the clarity and empowerment that comes when you align your actions with your core values. And if you need help, grab my document to guide you through the journey!
To sum up!
Common personal values play a significant role in shaping who we are and how we live.
Values provide a foundation for the choices we make, helping us stay true to ourselves in both personal and professional settings.
When you define your values, you gain clarity and confidence, and you align your actions with what truly matters.
Here’s why understanding your values is so powerful:
- They guide your decisions: Whether it’s about relationships, work, or personal growth, your values help you choose what resonates most with you.
- They provide a sense of purpose: Living by values that resonate with you brings deeper meaning to everyday life.
- They create consistency: Knowing your core values ensures that your personal and professional actions reflect your true self.
- They inspire self-respect: When you honor your values, you build a stronger connection to yourself and your worth.
Common personal values like honesty, adaptability, and compassion are not just ideals—they’re tools that help us navigate life with integrity. The more clearly you define your values, the more empowered you’ll feel to live authentically and make decisions with confidence.
Take time to reflect on what matters most to you.
What values provide direction in your life?
Which ones resonate deeply with your sense of self?
If you’re ready to dive deeper, grab my 3-page guide to explore a comprehensive list of core values. It’s a simple way to uncover what drives you and how to live in alignment with your personal and professional goals.
Remember: the values you embrace shape your life. Choose them intentionally, and let them guide you toward the life you truly want! 🙂