8 examples of high self-confidence
The Power of Self-Belief
1. Harriet Tubman

Imagine being sold into forced labor: working tirelessly for little food and enduring terrible treatment.
Everyone around you is either too scared to escape or, even worse, complacent.
Sounds terrifying, right?
This was the heartbreaking reality at the start of Harriet Tubman’s life.
Born into slavery in the mid-1800s, her future seemed set in stone—or rather, in cotton fields.
But instead of accepting that she would live and die as a slave, she believed in herself. 💪
She knew she had the courage to escape her unfortunate life and create something better! 🌟
As we’ve mentioned before, Tubman didn’t just survive—she thrived.
She rose to the occasion, owned her story, and told it in the most powerful way she knew. ✨
Because of her fierce self confidence, Tubman not only freed herself, but also helped over 750 enslaved African-Americans taste the sweet justice of freedom. 🙌
That right there is waking up to your problems and facing them head-on!
And no one did it better than Harriet Tubman! 👑
She understood her inner strength and used it not just to free herself but to liberate others as well! 🌈
2. Michael Jordan

Did you know that Michael Jordan was once told he didn’t have the skills for high school basketball?
Yep, you heard that right!
Mr. Jumpman himself didn’t make the team during his early years.
Talk about a curveball, huh? 🏀
But instead of letting that setback define him, Jordan kept pushing. 💪
He knew he had something special, and no way was he going to let one rejection stop him from being great! ✨
Sure, he might have felt down or even a little crushed in the moment, but did that hold him back? Nope!
He kept crossing over every challenge until he made it exactly where he wanted to be.
Just like Harriet Tubman, he showed up when it mattered most. 💥
Jordan didn’t let the negative talk or anyone’s doubts get in his way. He focused on what he could do—and guess what? He became a legend! 🌟
Thanks to that, Jordan is now one of the most famous basketball players in history. 🏆
As Lao Tzu said, “Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” 💫
So, what can we learn from these amazing stories?
- You are not a product of your environment! 🌍
- You can achieve anything if you believe in yourself! 🎯
- Perseverance is the key to building real confidence! 🔑
- Being self-assured means accepting who you are, right now. 💖
Stellar Examples of Confidence
3. Dr. Seuss

Did you know that Dr. Seuss was rejected by nearly 27 publishers at the start of his career?
Yep, you read that right!
One of the most beloved authors in children’s literature almost gave up.
Can you imagine? Dr. Seuss this close to quitting! 😱
But what kept him going? What made him keep pushing to get his book published?
Confidence. 💡
He believed in his creativity and what he had to offer the world. 🌍
And because of that unshakable confidence, he didn’t just publish a book—he created the childhood memories of millions of kids around the globe. 📚💕
Now, that’s what happens when you believe in yourself! 🙌
4. Henry Ford

Did you know that Henry Ford, the mastermind behind the Ford brand, was left with nothing after several of his business ventures failed? 😬
But here’s the thing: Ford was destined to be an entrepreneur.
He didn’t let those setbacks define him! 🚗💨
Despite facing rejection after rejection, he kept refining his vision.
And what did that lead to? One of the most successful companies in American history! 🏆
Once again, persistence and hard work win the day. 💪
The key to building self-confidence is uncovering what your inner self truly needs. 🌱
So, what’s the big takeaway from these examples?
Confidence doesn’t magically appear overnight.
It takes years of trying, failing, and learning to understand your true worth. ⏳
And yes, I said years! It could take all your youthful days just to truly find yourself. But why is that so important?
Because that’s where self-actualization and growth begin! 🌟
It’s the foundation upon which a strong, confident personality is built.
How can you use these stories on your own self-confidence journey? 🤔
- Keep building on your self-confidence, one step at a time.
- Challenge yourself with confidence-building exercises to boost your self-awareness! 💡
- And most importantly, never take no for an answer! 🚀
When you start applying these lessons to your daily life, you’ll be amazed at how far you can grow! 🙂
The Underlying Importance of Self-Confidence
5. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was called many things: a narcissist, a genius, and even a deadbeat father. 😬
That’s a lot of weight to carry, right?
But here’s something people often overlook—his unshakable confidence. 💡
Jobs was fired from his own company. Can you imagine? Instead of wallowing in defeat, what did he do?
He went on to found Pixar—one of the most successful production studios since Disney! 🎥✨
It takes massive confidence to pick yourself up after such a blow and create something just as, if not more, successful than the company you were let go from. 💪
We’ve all heard of that little frail girl who made lemonade out of lemons, haven’t we? 🍋🍹
Well, Steve Jobs didn’t just make lemonade—he created an entire lemonade empire! 🏰
And you know what? We can all do the same.
In our own unique ways, we can use those low moments to climb even higher on the ladder of life! 🌟
6. Van Gogh

An Inspiring Example
7. Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln, born in 1809 in a humble log cabin, was thrown into child labor at the tender age of 7.
His family lost their home, forcing him to work on farms to support them.
Though his mother taught him to read and write, he was often too exhausted to absorb much. And if that wasn’t enough, tragedy struck when his mother died just before he turned 9. 💔
Now, imagine this.
You’re working as a child at 7. Two years later, you lose your mother, leaving you with the responsibility of caring for your siblings.
How many would have the strength to rise from such a situation?
Maybe only Lincoln. 💪
Despite no formal schooling and becoming an orphan so young, he still found a way. It’s like the stars somehow aligned for him in his darkest hours. ✨
Abraham Lincoln’s story is a shining example of self-determination.
And what makes his life truly inspiring is not just the hardships but the resilience he showed.
At 45, he ran for a U.S. Senate seat—and lost.
Did he give up? Nope! Two years later, he ran for the Vice Presidential nomination but got only 100 votes.
Most of us would probably let go at that point, right? But not Lincoln! 😤
Two years after that, he tried for the Senate again and lost again.
Yet, Lincoln kept going, kept fighting for what he believed in. Even in his low moments, he never let it break his spirit. 💥
He was firmly against slavery and fought hard to prevent new Western states from becoming slave states.
In his determination, he helped create the Republican Party, which became one of the two biggest political parties in the U.S. and around the world. 🌎
And in 1860, Lincoln went for the ultimate goal—the presidency. Guess what? He won! 🏆
During his time as president, he fought to end the slave trade and slavery itself.
From a child laborer to the President of the United States, Lincoln’s journey proves that we, too, can overcome our fears and doubts to achieve what we want in life.
No matter how many times you fall, always rise up, dust yourself off, and keep going! 🙂
An Example of Perseverance
8. Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor married Franklin Roosevelt when she was just 21!
But soon after, Franklin was struck by polio, leaving his legs paralyzed.
Despite this huge challenge, Eleanor never let her husband give up on his political dreams. 💪
She encouraged him to stay in the game, and guess what? It paid off!
In 1932, Franklin was elected President of the United States, all while still in a wheelchair. 🏛️✨
But Eleanor didn’t just stand by. She became a force of her own!
She held countless press conferences, traveled the country, and appeared on the radio to promote her husband’s agenda. 🎤🌍
And while doing all that, she stood up for the rights of children and women, representing them at various conferences and fighting for their causes! 🙌💼
Eleanor Roosevelt was more than a First Lady—she was a true advocate and trailblazer! 👑
Build self-confidence!
Body language!
I’ve created two awesome infographics to help boost your self-confidence! 💪
The first one shares tips for confident body language, like standing tall, making eye contact, and using open gestures—because confident people radiate a belief in one’s abilities! 💼✨
The second is all about video conferences—because even on Zoom, your posture and expressions can reflect your self-confidence, and when you present yourself well, you’re more likely to leave a strong impression! 🎥👀
With these tips, you’ll communicate like a pro both in person and online! 🌟
This is one tip that my life coaching clients really like!
It’s about looking up to people that are bold in your opinion and that can inspire you.
Example of Self-Confidence: Practical Applications for You!!
Self-confidence is your secret weapon to kick self-doubt to the curb! 💥
Ever felt insecure before a big presentation or trying something new? 😬
It happens!
But guess what? With a little confidence boost, you can own that moment. 🎤✨
Whether it’s public speaking, learning new skills, or shaking off insecurity, confidence lets you shine! 🌟
The best part? You can cultivate it every day with small wins that add up! 🙂
And be one of these self-confident people!
Improve your self-confidence and self-esteem
Step #1: Think of 2-3 persons that you think are VERY assertive
It can be someone you know or even someone famous!
Step #2: Imagine a specific situation in which you would like to be more secure in
Going to talk to someone you don’t know, sharing your opinion during a meeting, acing an interview/presentation, no matter what is the situation, think of THE situation that you would love to be more poised.
Step #3: Imagine being in their skin
If you would be them:
- What would you think to feel assured? What would be your thoughts? Maybe “I can do this, I have nothing to lose to try!”
- How would you feel? Bold? Capable? Empowered? Optimistic? Secure? Trusting?
- What would you say?
- How would you act?
I love saying that the brain has no time.
It doesn’t know if you’re in a moment or if you’re just imagining it!
This is why we may feel very emotional just by listening to a song!
Step #4: Act as they would
You don’t need to already be super determined to feel this way!
Act exactly how you think your unshakeable hero would act.
You don’t need to do it perfectly right away! Start, try, learn, improve and do it again. Self-confidence is a skill that ANYONE can develop.
Your confident heroes weren’t born with this skill!
They don’t always succeed at everything they do, but they are not making it mean that they are a failure or that something went wrong. They continue taking action until they get what they want!
They are absolutely not better than you! Be self-assuredness!
They just believe in themselves and YOU SHOULD TOO! 🙂
Frequently asked questions:
- How can a student be more bold while facing academic challenges and care more about their self-confidence and self-esteem? 📚
- What are some real-life examples of bold people who overcame self-doubt? 💪
- How does Beyoncé’s stage presence reflect a strong belief in her abilities and boost her self-confidence? 🎤✨
- What everyday actions can increase a person’s self-confidence? 🔑
How do you build confidence? Ways to build?
Building self-confidence majorly depends on how better you are able to handle your fears and weaknesses.
However, there are some proven methods you can use to increase the level of confidence (and make decisions).
Take a look:
- Visualize yourself as much as you want to
- Affirm yourself in everything you do (assertively)
- Take time to question your inner critique
- Help someone else
- Take care of yourself
16 Inspirational self-esteem and self-confidence quotes to practice self-confidence
I thought that you would like this! 🙂
- Don’t live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable. – Wendy Wasserstein
- Self-confidence is the memory of success. – David Storey
- No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. – Eleanor Roosevelt
- We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies. – Roderick Thorp
- Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right. – Henry Ford
- If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price. – Author Unknown
- You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. – Michael Jordan
- Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control. – Richard Kline
- Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. – Dr. Benjamin Spock
- Have confidence that if you have done a little thing well, you can do a bigger thing well too. – David Storey
- Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful. – Mark Victor Hansen
- With the realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world. – Dalai Lama
- Don’t you dare, for one more second, surround yourself with people who are not aware of the greatness that you are. – Jo Blackwell-Preston
- To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now. – Alan Cohen
- Think like a queen. A queen if not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness. – Oprah
- “As far as self-confidence goes, so much of social media is about approval, getting likes, comparing our lives to others’ – meanwhile, confidence is an inside job: it’s about how you feel about yourself regardless of what anyone else does or thinks. It’s a knowing that you’re human, you’re flawed, and you’re awesome in your own way” – Jen Sincero
These self-confident individuals are showing us that self-confidence is something and that the level of self-confidence can vary!
Ask for help, self-efficacy! Not arrogance!
Feeling more confident starts with knowing when to ask for help! 😊
Sometimes, all it takes is a little guidance to unlock your potential and boost your self-confidence. 💪
If you’re ready to take that next step and work on your confidence, I’d love to help you on your journey!
Let’s work together to help you feel more empowered and self-assured! 🌟 Reach out and coach with me! 🙌
To sum up!
These confidence examples highlight why self-confidence also is important for achieving success and personal growth.
Self-confidence might refer to having self-assurance and a strong self-image!
It allows you to believe in your abilities even in the face of challenges!
Whether it’s overcoming a lack of self-confidence or building it over time, these stories remind us how powerful a strong sense of self can be, for your personal and professional life! 💪
Self-confident people are successful! They have confidence levels that are high! You can nurture it too!