Discover the power you have over your life and how much you can be and do whatever you want.
Feel empowered starting today!
Let’s dive right in!
We are the result of every action that we take!
Why am I saying this?
I love that idea!
Basically, no matter what you are doing, what action you are taking (or not taking!), you’re going to create a result.
For example, if you go for a walk 10′ per day, you’re going to have the body and the mind of somebody who goes for a walk 10′ per day.
It sounds a bit extreme because if you and I are going for a walk 10′ a day, not sure our minds and bodies will look the same!
But what I’m saying here is that every action we are taking, every habit we have, together, they are creating the results that we are today.
I find this fascinating!
Think about any action you’re taking on a daily basis.
And most of the time, we all do the same things over and over every day.
Just think about it!
Your weight is the result of what you consume every day and is also the result of the way you’re moving your body.
Again, it’s not black and white, but it’s interesting to pay attention to!
It’s a good thing!
It truly is!
Because, if you don’t like something in your life, you totally have the power to change it!
About this, I would say that I would want to eat less sweet things.
I crave something sweet at least once per day and I know that it’s because I ate lots of sweets recently that this is why it’s happening.
Nothing has gone wrong, it’s not the end of the world at all!
But by paying attention to that recent habit, I realize that it’s really the small actions taken on a daily basis (in that case, snacking some sweets here and there) that took me to the place of someone who’s eating sweets and craving them.
And I’m not feeling a victim at all here, I feel like I have total control of that recent habit and it just takes different actions (stop snacking so many sweets) to have a different result (stop having these cravings!).
We have control over so many things in our life, we don’t have to give that power away and we should not! 🙂
At first, we create habits, and then, these habits create us
What do I mean by that?
I know what we all think of habits!
They are very hard to get! It’s really hard to start a new habit and actually, it’s harder to stick to it! Starting it is fine! It’s really that sticking part that is hard!
So, what I mean by that is that at first, we are starting a new habit (going for a walk every day) and then, these habits make us somebody else (with that example, it makes us somebody who goes for a walk every day).
So, it’s interesting to consider that the habit itself is interesting, the process of sticking to something that we think is good for us, but the most important is to keep in mind why we want to get that new habit, it’s all about the person, that WHO we’re going to become with that new habit.
This is why I like the idea that we create habits, we stick to them and then, those habits are creating the new US, the new person we can become!
Use this idea for getting any result that you want!
As we just saw, we can become whoever we want to become.
Today, we all are the results of the actions we took yesterday, the days before, and the months before (of course, it’s not that piece of chocolate that will make you a chocolate addict but you got the idea!).
Now, think of an area of your life in which you want to have different results than you currently have.
It could be:
- At work
- In your relationships in general
- With your partner/spouse
- With your kids
- With yourself
Anything that you can think of and that you wish you could have a magic stick to bring another result!
I would definitely take the example of eating fewer sweets even if that doesn’t sound very specific, I know that I would love to want it less maybe.
So, the idea here is to consider that every action you’re taking is making you who you are today.
If you want to become somebody else (improving yourself, I truly believe that we can become whoever we want to!), picture yourself with that new result.
How would that “you”, that version of yourself (myself eating fewer sweets), what does this version:
- Think?
- Believe?
- Feel?
- Behave?
And act as if starting today!
What is amazing about this is that it’s not about beating yourself up, that version of today who likes the sweets.
It’s about getting answers from that future self that already got that result that you want!
How is she different? She’s absolutely not better than your current self!
But, she achieved some results that you want so, let’s learn from her!
To sum up!
As you can see, you are every action that you are taking.
It’s something that is amazing!
When it comes to building confidence, you can see that every action that you take is also helping you in becoming that confident version of yourself.
Of course, it’s okay that not every day you’re feeling super-extra confident!
But it’s interesting to see that every action that you take can be taken from a place of your future confident self.
You don’t have to accomplish anything or to get to any place to already feel this way!
Trust that you already know how confidence looks like.
You can take any action today from a place of confidence.
Don’t forget that it’s a skill to develop!
So, what is it something that you can do today that would your future confident self do?
No need to wait for anything, just take that action already, no matter how it looks like! 🙂