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I want to share something I learned during my second coaching certification and I do believe that it can be so USEFUL for everyone listening!
Let me tell you more about it and how it’s going to be SUPER helpful when it comes to feeling more confident, no matter your situation in your every day life! 🙂
Something that I always share…
Something very clear and clean that I learned at The Life Coach School is that in the world, there are 2 distinct things: Facts/circumstances (such as my height, your age, the capital of a country, something that we would all agree on, that could be accepted in a court of law!).
And there are also THOUGHTS about these facts and these circumstances.
These thoughts are always subjective, they are different, they depend on who’s thinking them, what their experience of life is, what they believe to be true.
This is also why in the exact same situation, the exact same circumstance (a dinner on vacation), people will have different THOUGHTS about the SAME situation, interesting, right? 🙂
So, you always have circumstances/facts and THOUGHTS about them.
Often, we think that we cannot choose these thoughts but here’s the best news ever: Every thought is OPTIONAL! 🙂
Crazy, right? 🙂
Maths VS Drama!
So when I say “it’s always maths VS drama” here’s what I mean by that: When you have a problem, you feel like you’re struggling, go back to the idea of MATHS vs DRAMA!
What are the maths, the facts in this problem?
And what is your DRAMA about it, your thoughts about this problem?
For example, someone wants to lose 5 kgs.
The maths are the number that shows on the weight balance: We can see let’s say 70 kgs.
These are the maths in that situation, it’s simply a number, it’s not a problem until we have a thought about it!
The drama is always THOUGHTS, most of the time thoughts that generate negative/uncomfortable emotions!
So what does this person have for DRAMA about this 75 kgs and wanting to lose 5 kgs?
- I will never be able to lose it!
- I don’t feel good in my body…
- I tried everything…
What is AMAZING about realizing the maths/drama in this situation is realizing how much POWER we have over the situation.
In this situation, the person thinks that they feel bad because of their weight!
But this person feels bad because of what she’s THINKING about her weight!!
Of course, if she wants to lose weight, she’s free to do whatever she wants but what I want to show you with this example is that having a look at what are the exact facts are here and what are your THOUGHTS about these facts can be SO HELPFUL!!
It gives you the control over the situation!!
Without knowing this really nice trick, this person thinks that they need to lose the weight to stop thinking these thoughts, to stop feeling back, to finally lose weight…
But again, it’s never the facts, the circumstances, the DRAMA that make us feel a certain way, an uncomfortable/negative emotion, but it’s ALWAYS what we are thinking.
Your turn!!
So now, use it for yourself: When facing an issue/struggle/problem, take the time to make a clear separation and ask yourself: In this situation, what are the MATHS and what is the DRAMA?
By doing this, you’re going to realize that you have much more control over the situation that you think you do!!
You realize that the drama is “homemade”, created in your mind when the maths are quite simple!
When you separate them, you see that the drama is optional and that now that you have the MATHS, you can choose what you want to do about it.
But you can really choose to look at the maths without having all the drama around it.
It will then be much easier and more pleasant to “solve” that issue/problem/struggle without having all that optional drama about it! 🙂
Interesting, right?
So remember, always: Separate the MATHS from the DRAMA when you face something difficult in your life.
It’s going to completely change your experience of life!! 🙂
Of course, it’s related to your confidence!!
This trick is REALLY helpful when it comes to feeling more confident!
We feel insecure because we don’t feel in control, we think that people do things on purpose for us to feel bad!
Or that things are working against us, that it happens only to us!
When we think this, we feel powerless. There’s nothing we can do but try to change the world or people around us!
This is when the “MATHS VS DRAMA” is amazing to use: Separate what are the maths and what is the optional DRAMA about it gets you into power!!
It’s very empowering: Much more is in your control!!
You then feel much more confident because you understand that you always, choose what you’re thinking! 🙂
Together, let’s look at what you’re thinking and how/why it’s a problem for you, and what you can think instead!!
Book your FUN & FREE consultation by clicking below and let’s get you CONFIDENT!! 🙂