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I find this article to be talking about a taboo…
Something we are not talking about and that absolutely needs to, it will set us FREE, really!
What am I talking about?
I’m talking about when we think people aren’t right about us and what we should do about it!
We usually want to convince them of the opposite!! And it’s not always working out for us so.. Let’s see more about that! 🙂
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Someone said something about you that is wrong…
Let’s imagine the situation: Someone says something about you that isn’t right.
Well, obviously, we’re never sure what we mean by “right” or “wrong”…!
But let’s take an example actually to keep things real and simple.
Someone says “You’re a lazy person”.
No matter what WE think about this here, the question here is: Why do we care so much about what other people think about us?
I think it goes back to the fact that back then, we used to live all together in a tribe.
So we HAD to be accepted and loved by other people because our survival depended on it!!
Being left alone meant DYING!!
But today, do we actually depend on it that much?!
It’s important to ask ourselves the question: What is the real consequence of someone thinking something about us that we don’t agree on?
In that example, what are the consequences of someone thinking that we are lazy?
It’s not a problem until WE believe it too… And let’s see actually!
What is the real problem behind being lazy? Interesting when you really have surgery on something you’re thinking or/and what other people think of you…!
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Let’s imagine they think it…
If we imagine that someone has that thought about you “Tamara is a lazy person.”
Often, we are afraid of people having a certain opinion about us… But what if they do?
Now, what?
What are the consequences of them believing this?
I believe it’s just a bit of lost of their energy brain… The energy they could put into something more creative and more useful for them! 🙂
So… My idea today: What if we would let other people be wrong about us?
Let me repeat it: What if we would let other people be wrong about us, now what?
People have their thoughts…
We really want to influence people’s opinions on us so that WE can believe something about ourselves.
If someone says “You’re working so hard!”, often, without being conscious of it, we then give ourselves permission to be proud of ourselves because indeed, we value working hard!!
What if we drop the need for people to be right about us?
What if we could live our lives in integrity (doing what we want to do, if no one was watching!) and then, let people live in their own truth, believing whatever they want to believe about us?
It would save us time to use our brain’s energy for something better!!
And we would find some peace slowly slowly into the fact that indeed, people can be wrong about us and we are okay!! 🙂
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In summary…
What do you think about this idea of “letting people be wrong about us”?
How could doing this affect your life in a good way?
Think about it! 🙂
And if you feel like you’re really struggling with this and you feel like it’s too hard not to be offended or mad when someone shares a remark or a comment, TALK TO ME! 🙂
You don’t have to suffer alone from this emotional pain!!
You feel triggered, nothing has gone wrong! 🙂
Let me help you empower yourself!!
Let’s have control over your reactions and emotions.
You’ll see, you won’t have to change what someone says for you to feel better!
Make sure you click below and book your FUN & FREE consultation!!
Let’s have some fun!! 🙂
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