Have you heard of the term “decision fatigue”?
Let me explain to you what is decision fatigue, so you can see if you’re suffering from it.
Then, I’m going to share with you 2 strategies, so you can overcome it starting today! 🙂
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What is decision making fatigue?
You maybe heard of the term decision fatigue, so let me give you a clear explanation of it!
In today’s world, we have so many choices to make!
From what you’re going to wear to what you’re going to eat, it’s easy to find yourself overwhelmed by the number of decisions to make.
So, decision fatigue is the moment when you find yourself exhausted by all the decisions that you have to make, by all the chitchat that’s happening inside of your head.
You might find yourself completely drained or tired and in the end, you might postpone taking a decision or even making a choice that you don’t want to make in the first place… All of that because of what we call, decision fatigue.
The good news is that simply the fact of being aware (which you are probably since you’re reading these lines!) can help you out A LOT.
Let me explain to you how and why! 🙂
What causes Decision Fatigue?
As I demonstrated it, the causes of decision fatigue are all the choices that we can make on a daily basis.
As much as we can look at it as freedom (being able to make decisions and choices), it can become overwhelming.
Our brain likes to be efficient, so he will always try to find solutions or ask more questions, which can be very exhausting.
You can face decision fatigue when it comes to making decisions to…
- What to eat!
- What to wear!
- Where to eat!
- Who to meet!
- How to organize your time!
- What tasks to work on!
- So many more…!
As you can see, you can be confronted with decision fatigue in different areas and situations of your life.
There’s absolutely no problem with discovering this!
Being more aware is already an amazing step.
The moment that you realized that it’s happening, you can do something about it!
Let me show what and how.
How do you stop decision fatigue?
The way actually to stop decision fatigue is through using 2 main strategies:
The first one is:
1. Plan ahead!
When you plan in advance, you don’t have to ask yourself questions or make more decisions in the future.
For example, you want to eat healthier, but when you’re at the restaurant, you’re hesitating a long time before choosing what to eat.
You can avoid all this chitchat in your head by looking at the menu in advance and by deciding what you’re going to eat.
You can choose using health criteria (something healthy) which will help you make the decision, the moment you’ll be in the restaurant.
In the moment of ordering, you won’t even feel a bit tired of making any decision, because it will already have been made! 🙂
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2. Create constraints.
A constraint is a decision that you’re making ahead of time for specific situations in your life.
For example, I don’t like coriander/cilantro and I have a constraint that I simply don’t eat it.
Another example, I used to spend too much time choosing clothes in the morning, so I’ve decided to always choose my clothes at night, right before going to sleep.
Then, in the morning, I don’t need to think about what to wear, it’s giving me more time to do something else in the morning.
The funny thing is that people often think that putting constraints into their lives is taking away any spontaneity that there could be!
But it’s absolutely not true! 🙂
I still have lots of spontaneity in my life, I’m just freeing up some time and energy by making decisions in advance.
Usually, I feel like we are having decision fatigue in some areas of our life specifically such as food or exercising for example.
The moment that you make a decision in advance (strategy 1: planning ahead) or that you have a strict limitation (strategy 2: create constraints), you don’t have to overthink or be stressed over some choices.
They are already made for you! 🙂
You then have more energy for the things that truly matter in your life!
Which are, the situations that make you happy and the actions you’re taking towards a result that you want in your life.
Then, there’s no more time of decision, you’re free of that!
How can I make fewer decisions?
Making decisions is definitely a skill to master!
But you can also make fewer decisions on a daily basis by using the strategies that I shared above:
1. Plan ahead!
2. Create constraints.
You can do this by thinking of moments in your life when you feel like you always need to make decisions and it’s exhausting you.
Then, think of how you can plan ahead for next time or if you can create constraints in that situation in particular.
This can be a huge help when it comes to what is decision fatigue and how to overcome it.
If you’re interested in the process of making decisions, you absolutely have to check out my post: How to Make Decisions for the Rest of Your Life!
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To sum up!
Now, you know what is decision fatigue and how to overcome it.
By using these methods, you’re simply going to spend less energy overthinking choices to make and you’ll set yourself free from any kind of internal struggle!
Life is passing fast and we don’t have enough time and energy for the little things.
Set yourself free by making decisions in advance and by having solid constraints.
Try it out and let me know how that goes! 🙂
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