Do you want to feel more comfortable being who you truly are?
Ask yourself these 5 questions.
Let me share with you why self-discovery is essential for you to become the best version of yourself!
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Get To Know Yourself: 5 Questions to Discover the Real You
Are you looking to spark self-discovery and to feel more comfortable being who you are?
The moment that you will do it, you’ll be able to count on yourself, to go in the direction of your dreams and to become the best version of yourself. You will know that you can count on you!
This can sound like a lot of promises! 😉
But trust me, I’ve been there and I will happily guide you there!
Why knowing yourself?
When you ask yourself questions, you’re getting to know yourself better.
And being more self-aware is essential for you to feel good!
You will then know what’s important to you, what’s not.
And as I always say, we are more comfortable with what we know! It’s just easier when you’re in your comfort zone! 🙂
Simply imagine being all the time with a person that you really know and love!
This can be you! 😉
If you take the time to make it happen! 🙂
Also, and it sounds obvious, but knowing yourself better will help you in reaching for your goals. Because, well, you know what they are! 😉
In opposition to someone who never asked themselves this question! 🙂
The feelings when you know yourself better…
And this is simply the best part because let’s face it, we are all seeking for more pleasure and positive emotions! 🙂
This is a list of emotions you may feel when you’re getting to know yourself better and start feeling comfortable with who you truly are!
Feeling more confident:
- capable
- empowered
- energetic
- focused
- hopeful
- optimistic
- proud
- productive
- secure
- sure
- trusting
You may have feelings of engagement such as:
- curious
- enchanted
- fascinated
- interested
- stimulated
Or even excitement feelings such as:
- amazed
- enthusiastic
- passionate
- surprised
What about feelings of peace?
- calm
- centered
- fulfilled
- pleased
- quiet
- relaxed
- serene
I think that you got the idea! 😉
As you can see, you can feel in amazing ways if you start discovering who you are!!
Also and I really want to mention that here, there are feelings that will help you take the actions that you want to get the results that you want in your life.
Do you remember the model of Brooke Castillo? I sent it last week to my VIP email subscribers.
How does it look like?
- Circumstances in life are neutral. It’s about “what you think” of the circumstances…
- The thoughts that you have cause the feelings that you feel, and these ones make you take the actions that bring you the results that you currently have in your life.
If you’re interested in learning more about this self-coaching model, watch this 8′ video 🙂
As you can see, your feelings are VERY important for you to live a happy life! 🙂
So, self-discovery is definitely a way to get there.
Why being 100% yourself is better than pleasing others…
It’s very funny because I used to always try to say and to do the things that will please others.
I think that it was totally legitimate! I wanted them to feel good and thought that this was the best way to make people happy.
But here let me tell you something. It didn’t make ME happy because I wasn’t my true self (and you know that you feel great when you are loved for who you truly are!) and it didn’t make THEM happy because I wasn’t even sure what they needed/wanted to be happy!
And I remember reading the book of Dr. Aziz “Not Nice”, in which he’s basically sharing how to become your real you and not the nicest version like we learned how to be.
And what he said made TOTAL sense: he said that people to feel good are seeking and enjoying REAL connections with one and another. I mean, connections on a deep level are what makes people happy.
Just imagine it: the best moment is when you’re spending time with someone/a group of people that you love and everybody is themselves!
Just picture it for yourself: there’s nothing that can make you feel better than someone telling you that they love you for exactly who you are! It’s so comforting, so relaxing and so fulfilling to hear this! 🙂
In the podcast last week, I talked about this. The fact that we want to be nice and to please people, that we want to be the juiciest peach on the tree. We are the best peach there but… You will anyway find someone who doesn’t like peaches!! So… Why bother trying?!
Wouldn’t it be easier to just be yourself and then be loved for this real you?
How can I know myself well?
There are a lot of ways for you to know yourself better! 🙂
And you can also read this post or listen to this podcast episode:
10 Steps To Discover The Real You
And read this article too:
The Proust Questionnaire: Getting to Know You in 35 Brilliant Questions
The 5 self-discovery questions
In his book, Dr. Aziz is asking you to answer 5 questions:
- What do you love? (What do you like, appreciate, enjoy?)
- What do you hate? (What do you dislike, what annoys you, bothers you, irritate you, or pissed you off?)
- What do you believe? (What do you believe in? Start each sentence with “I believe….”)
- What is great about you? (What are your strengths, positive qualities, quirks, and endearing traits? What makes you, you?)
- What’s your purpose? (Why are you here? What is the point? What are you going to do?)
And it’s funny because back then when I read this book, I didn’t take the time straight to answers to these questions…
I did it when I finished the book, and I thought that it would be maybe funny to share a few of my answers with you! 🙂
How answering made me feel…
As I said it before, I didn’t feel like answering straight.
When I was done with the book and that I finally took the time, it felt amazing.
I remember reading Dr. Aziz’s answers and discussing in my head what I would have written.
So I’ll share with you a few answers but first, I wanted to say that answering these questions made me feel two main ways:
- empowered, because I understood that there a lot of things that I love and so, I can create the life that I want!
- secure, because I discovered that I’m good at some things, that I have strengths and that I can really believe in me, I have nothing to lose!
My answers to these questions…
So I played the game and here a few answers:
- What do I love? (What do you like, appreciate, enjoy?)
I love my family, my partner, waking up in the morning and feeling like I’m going in the direction of my dreams, I love eating, almost more than anything, I love reading personal development books, I love hanging out with friends, I love laughing, I love watching thriller movies, I love being able to count on people…
- What do you hate? (What do you dislike, what annoys you, bothers you, irritate you, or pissed you off?)
I don’t like that people may be intolerant sometimes, I don’t like people that say that they will do something/help you and they are not in the end, I hate the fact that everyone is working so hard, I really don’t like flying with planes, I don’t like waiting for my food too much time…
- What do you believe? (What do you believe in? Start each sentence with “I believe….”)
I believe that everyone has already self-confidence inside of them and we just need to take it out. I believe that we all are responsible for our life and we can do whatever we want with it. I believe that we should teach more personal development stuff at school, starting at 2 years old!
- What is great about you? (What are your strengths, positive qualities, quirks, and endearing traits? What makes you, you?)
I think that people like to hang out with me, I’m a great company because I can also tell stories, listen to others and also be funny. I truly care about people and I think that it’s a strength that I have that makes people comfortable being with me. I’m not taking myself too seriously and I’m not taking things personally which makes also people feel good being who they are around me. I’m very enthusiastic, I remember a good friend telling me last year that I was “a good vibe” person. 🙂
- What’s your purpose? (Why are you here? What is the point? What are you going to do?)
This is actually an interesting question, because I’m still questioning myself if there is such a thing as a purpose. 🙂
Sometimes, I feel like it’s putting a lot of pressure on our shoulders when in fact, a purpose can be really just having a good time in our life and make the best out of it.
I’m still thinking about this and I like just being self-aware and open-minded to any answers that I might get. 🙂
What to do next…
Now that we talked about me! 😉
I think that the next step for you is to really take the time to know yourself better.
Learn about you: what you love, what you hate, what are your dreams and hopes. You can use all the resources that I’ve mentioned in this post. 🙂
Embrace all the answers that you may find! 🙂
To sum up!
As you can see, self-discovery is never-ending.
You can start today and be more self-aware of what’s important to you! 🙂
You have nothing to lose and as I said before, I regret it so much that we aren’t learning and teaching all of this stuff back at school already!
It’s soooo important, right?!