In this post, I’m going to show you how practicing meditation can help you build your self-esteem and self-confidence.
In fact, this is how my students and myself were able to boost our self-confidence by meditating just for 3 minutes per day!
Imagine a life without self-doubt? How would it look like?
Let me show you how you can create this life for yourself!
Do you want to hear more of my accent?! Discover all episodes here!! 🙂
Back in 2017…
8th of December 2017.
This is the day that I took Giovanni’s course: Master Your Mind – Beginner Meditation.
Until today, I’ve been practicing meditation as little as 3 minutes per day!
3 minutes per day are NOTHING!
You too, you can change your life with just 3 minutes per day!
In this post, you will discover at first an EXCLUSIVE interview with the expert and teacher: Giovanni Dienstmann.
Then, I’ll share with you 6 beliefs I used to have before starting meditating (you might have them too!) and also 7 reasons why you should learn with Giovanni.
Let’s dive right in!
Interview with THE EXPERT: Giovanni Dienstmann
Giovanni Dienstmann is the creator of Live and Dare, one of the top five most popular meditation blogs on the planet!
As an international author, meditation coach and speaker, Giovanni is an expert in helping people overcome anxiety and stress to live a more calm and centered life.
He is the author of the best-selling book Practical Meditation, which is available in eight different languages and has popularly been called “The Meditation Bible”.
The course that I took is Master Your Mind – Beginner Meditation. You absolutely HAVE to check it out, it’s the BEST MEDITATION COURSE out there.
You get way more than what you invest… I’m proof of it! 🙂
Meet Giovanni:
What do you need help with?
(Choose between the 2 options)
How can you get quick results while meditating?
The 3 pillars of meditation
Giovanni says that “One framework that I put my whole teaching of meditation is called “The 3 Pillars of Meditation”.
That would be my main message to people who are at any point in their journey: If you want to start a meditation practice or grow your existing one, then you need your 3 pillars of meditation.
These 3 pillars are habit, technique, and transformation.
Habit is the one you focus on in the beginning.
“Habit” means developing a daily meditation practice.
Because meditation is not the type of thing that you can do twice a week and expect amazing results.
It’s the type of thing that you need to do daily.
It’s like that because every day, our mind comes up with negative thoughts.
Every day, we are being exposed to stressful situations.
Every day, anxiety and fear, and low self-confidence.
So, if we want meditation to really work for us, it needs to be there for us every day as well!”
Self-discipline and patience…
Giovanni shares that:
“[Habit] is something most people struggle with because it requires a bit of self-discipline and a bit of patience but there is a system to it.
If you follow a step-by-step approach, starting very very small, maybe 3 or 5 minutes, and then grow in 1 minute per week.
Very soon, you’ll be practicing 20’ every day and that’s something you would never do from the beginning!”
Pillar number 2 is “technique”
“And then, for people that are maybe practicing for 1 or 2 years. I would empathize with pillar numbers 2 and 3.
Pillar number 2 is “technique”!
There are hundreds of different styles of meditation. Not just 2 or 3. And its style has a different way of practicing, different taste to it, even the benefits may be different.
So, it’s important to dedicate some time to experiment with different styles and find the one that is best for you, the one that works best for you.
Just like there are so many different diets and so many different sports.
When it comes to meditation, everyone knows about breathing and mantra, but there are many different ways to meditate and it’s important to dedicate the time to find the one that works best for you.
Then, meditation will be more pleasant, it will also be more effective and you’ll have results sooner!”
How practicing meditation can help you build your self-confidence?
The difference between self-esteem and self-confidence
Giovanni says:
“They are related but they are slightly different.
Self-esteem is your sense of value or sense of worth.
While self-confidence is your sense of your ability to do things, your ability to get things done, to achieve things, and how likely you are to succeed in the steps you take in your life.”
So, how meditating helps with self-confidence?
“Meditation gives you 2 things among many benefits, it gives you 2 chore skills.
One skill is the skill of awareness and the other one is the skill of focus.
So, how do awareness and focus help you develop self-confidence?
When we don’t have self-confidence, we have negative thoughts about ourselves.
We have doubts, we feel like we can’t do things, maybe there is a feeling of shame, guilt, or fear or we just feel like we don’t deserve it or we’re not good enough and that’s the opposite of self-confidence.
So if you are in that state and you want to go to the state of self-confidence, what is the path?
You need to become aware of those thoughts.”
Develop the skill of awareness
“Those negative beliefs, that negative self-talk that is there as a habit, and that comes uninvited in your mind days after days destroys your confidence.
You need to become aware of it.
When you are not aware, you just act as if they are true and this is why awareness is essential!
If you’re aware of these negative thoughts, then you have the freedom to choose “what am I going to do with them? Am I going to believe them or not? Am I going to dialogue with them or am I going to let them pass?”
Without awareness, there is very little you can do to change and meditation gives you that power to be aware of them.
Then, you can say “these thoughts, I know that they are not true, so just let them go, like clouds in the sky” or “this thought is repetitive, it’s coming a lot, maybe I’ll zoom into that and I’ll see if it’s true or not” then you can dialogue with that thought.”
Develop the skill of focus
“The second skill that meditation gives you is the ability to focus.
When there’s a negative thought that is destroying your self-confidence, you have the ability to either focus on it or focus on something else.
You can focus on positive affirmations that you’re creating for yourself, affirmations that bring a sense of confidence, a sense of empowerment.
The results that you get from them depend on how strong is your mind.
If your mind is dispersed, if your thoughts are everywhere and you have no awareness, then you won’t be able to put much power into your affirmations and visualization and the results you get from them are limited.
But if you have trained your mind, if you have developed inner power inner strength, focus through meditation, then you’re able to put that in the affirmations and then they are going to work!”
You can start with a very short practice!
“The most important thing, in the beginning, is not how long you’re practicing, not how deep or how good, it’s that you doing every day or not.
So, you want to reduce the friction in the habit, you want to make it as easy as possible.
In my program, The master your mind limitless life, I share that 3 minutes per day is the simplest possible meditation, without bugging much about posture or anything else.
You want to keep the ball rolling in the beginning.”

How practicing meditation can help you build your self-esteem?
Giovanni shares:
“It’s important to understand that we have come to this world without either high self-esteem or low self-esteem.
We had no high self-confidence or low self-confidence; we came without those concepts.
Without a sense of self, even.
These things they were constructed, they were conditioned by the experiences we had mostly in our early childhood.
The messages that we received from our parents, from our friends, colleagues, teachers, people around us, society, TV, everything.
All of these messages they helped us to construct a sense of self.
And for most people, they were not exposed to the healthiest images or messages.
So, their sense of self is maybe low and maybe low self-esteem/low self-confidence.
So, the way is to demolish your sense of self to question your sense of self and to rebuild a different sense of self.”
Affirmations, visualizations, and meditation are very helpful!
“They are very helpful for this because you have to first become aware of that voice in your mind.
A part of meditation is discovering that you are not your thoughts!
For most people, that’s a real discovery, they say “I had never noticed that”.
The thought comes and goes but you stay.
You, the observant consciousness is the permanent element, the thoughts are coming and going, they cannot be you, they’re just clouds in the sky and you are the sky.
When you start noticing that, then you see that the sense of low self-esteem and the sense of low self-confidence is a constructed thought, a bundle of thoughts, but you are not those thoughts!
And if you’re not that thoughts then you don’t need to believe them.
You can question them and you can create more empowering beliefs.”
Create more empowering beliefs!
“In the case of self-confidence, one way to create more empowering beliefs is to think of all the times in your life where you were faced with a challenge and you succeeded.
In the moments that you found the strength, the power, the resources to succeed.
If you don’t have any, start getting them.
Do difficult things or things that are just slightly difficult for you, above your level of comfort!”
Ready to start meditating?
If you’re interested in building your self-confidence, meditation is one way to do it.
And becoming more self-confident is just one of the many benefits of having a daily practice of meditation!
Click here to start meditating today learning with Giovanni’s course Master Your Mind – Beginner Meditation.
The best investment you’re going to make! 🙂
I was easily convinced and I think you will be too! Just click on the image to get started!

6 Beliefs I had about meditation
Maybe you can see yourself with these beliefs…?
Don’t let them stop you from the life you want! 🙂
Meditation is an AMAZING way to reconnect to yourself, to feel calm and focus! And of course, to build your self-confidence and self-esteem! 🙂
✓ “I don’t have the time for meditation…”
It’s so funny to think about that!
I started with 1 MINUTE PER DAY, it’s simply impossible to think that we don’t have 1 minute per day to do something that can have so many great benefits?!
I know that there are people who are meditation after a while for AN HOUR! 🙂
✓ “I won’t be able to empty my mind, not to think about anything”
No one ever said that you’re supposed not to think about anything.
I remember feeling kind of pressure and being afraid that I wouldn’t be able to empty my mind and focus on “not to think”!
Then I learned (Thank you Giovanni!) that you can look at your thoughts coming and going and be more like a “spectator”, which I learned is also 100% “allowed” in meditation! 🙂
✓ “Meditation is for spiritual people, I’m not a spiritual person”
I really thought that you need to be someone who’s super spiritual and who knows tons of things about spirituality or even simply to be interested in it to meditate! It’s simply not true.
I don’t feel especially spiritual and I truly enjoy my daily 3 minutes of meditation.
✓ “I’m not sure I can find the time for sitting down every day at the same time”
I really understand you.
I’m also a spontaneous person and I don’t like to have a schedule that is strict. That being said, the benefits are so important that I’m almost looking forward to these 3 minutes!
And it’s really a small habit that Giovanni is teaching you perfectly in his course.
Sometimes it’s happening that I woke up really late, I am too much in a hurry so I do my 3 minutes at night…
It doesn’t need to be fixed-minutes but I’m telling you, you will want to do these 3 minutes and as the quote says:
✓ “I don’t want to listen to someone’s voice telling me to relax when I’m super stressed!”
I agree that it can be annoying so rest assured: Giovanni has recordings that you can choose to meditate with but you don’t need them if you can set a timer yourself or simply prefer doing it without listening to anything.
What I did is that I actually downloaded them to my phone and sometimes I’m meditating with and sometimes without.
✓ “I’m a very active person, I’m afraid of being bored sitting down and not moving”
I’m also someone who likes to do a lot of things and at the same time! 😉
This is why these 3 minutes are so important to me!
I learned how to sit and relax and I actually love being still for 3 minutes.
In our busy lives, it’s simply amazing to be able to relax for 3 minutes and to really be with yourself.
Just try it and see how it’s going to change your life!
Giovanni says that his mission is “take a million people from anxious and stressed to calm, centered and focused” and he definitely did it with me! 🙂
7 reasons why start meditating with Giovanni today!
There are a lot of courses to teach you how to meditate today.
Giovanni is in my opinion, the best out there. The price is amazing for everything you get!
Only 35 days to feel better!
This is a 5-week course which means that in 5 weeks, you’re ready to meditate and you will already feel the benefits of it.
It’s very well organized, taking you in the easiest way possible from point A to point B.
Here’s a little sneak into how you’re going to build your chain week after week:

The lessons are short.
35 daily short lessons that you can simply learn by reading a one page PDF or by listening to the 3 minutes recording (I personally listened to it while reading the PDF, I like the audio-visual learning way!).
You get daily bonuses.
Each day, at the end of the lesson, you have access to 1 benefit, 1 FAQ and 1 Myth about meditation. I really like this bonus for each lesson! For example, for Day 18, it looks like this:

You get to discover different meditation techniques.
You will learn different technics and then after 35 days, you can choose which one you prefer and you feel the most comfortable with.
I love the fact that he showed us all the meditation techniques for beginners! It’s a very complete course for that reason too! 🙂
You learn the right posture.
You will learn how to sit correctly, your posture (back, neck, chin…), it’s not only about breathing but also how you’re sitting!
It sounds obvious but I was very happy that a whole lesson with practical advice was given in this course.
Giovanni gets it!
I truly liked the fact that Giovanni is also talking about the fact that it’s not easy to create a new habit.
He’s giving advice on how to pursue the aim to install a meditation time in your daily life and I felt really understood by him, you can see that he’s learned just like you and me and that he knows how you are feeling!
Some teachers are forgetting sometimes to put themselves in their students’shoes…
You’re not alone!
In each lesson, there is a comment section where you can ask questions (Giovanni, the expert is answering to you!).
I always read what other people wrote and again, it made me feel less alone…
For example, it was hard in the beginning to keep the habit of meditating.
It was pretty new in my life!
I looked at the comments and so that I wasn’t the only one!
And I’m telling you… Sometimes you just want to feel understood!
Giovanni is really one of the only teachers that truly cares about his students…
He will always reply to your emails! 🙂
Your next step!
This is how you need to get started:
Sign up for his FREE newsletter, you’ll receive tips on meditation, free videos, all sorts of things and then you can learn like that!
Take his FREE meditation course!
You can also find him on…
To sum up!
I like how Giovanni ended his interview saying:
“We all have a brain and we all have a mind.
We just need to learn how to use it and that’s the invitation to meditation.
That your mind can be your worst enemy or can be your best friend, you just need to learn how to use it”.
Giovanni is changing the world! I’m so glad I got the chance to talk to him!
Thank you Giovanni!!!
To enroll NOW and change your life FOREVER, simply click here.
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What about you?
Are you already practicing or do you want to start meditating?
Let me know in the comment sections! 🙂