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In this post, I’m going to show you how to improve yourself and your life in quick-simple ways.
In fact, these are the ways that I used to develop myself and to better myself in a very short time!
You’ll be able to see great results soon!
Are you ready for this?
So let’s get started! 🙂
Why trying to better myself?
This is a great question to start with!
Self-improvement is all about becoming a better (and the best!) version of yourself!
Think about it.
Every new day presents new opportunities to transform your life. You can be a better version of yourself every minute by changing your habits.
Imagine yourself 10 years from now.
What kind of person can you be if you decided to improve yourself in small ways each day from today henceforth? If you’re consistent and committed, what kind of impact would it have on your life and on those close to you?
I bet you’d be happier, more content, and much more fun to be around! 🙂
Here’s my personal list of simple things anyone can do to continually improve themselves.
1. Develop a Consistent Routine
What time do you usually go to bed? What time do you wake up? What do you do first thing in the morning? What time do you take your meals?
Having a daily routine has numerous benefits for your physical and mental health. It reduces stress and anxiety, builds a healthy sleep pattern, and makes room for activities that are important to you.
Related article:
14 Morning Routine Ideas To Start The Day Right
2. Make Your Meals
One of the easiest most natural ways to ways to improve yourself is by cooking your own food! 🙂
Making your own meals beats eating out or ordering in. Some of the benefits include:
- Costs less than deliveries, take out, and restaurant dining.
- Fresh and healthy ingredients
- Avoids preservatives, sensitivities, and allergies
- Better portion control
- Can be a fun bonding opportunity
- It can be a kind of “self-care” and “changing mind” activities! You don’t think about anything else but cooking! 😉
What do you need help with?
(Choose between the 2 options)
3. Drink Enough Water
I know that it sounds silly but I’m telling you, drinking enough water is one of the ways to improve your life and health which can never be stressed enough.
Most people know drinking clean water is important though they may not grasp the full extent of how important that is.
Water helps all your bodily functions and we can’t do without it. The benefits are:
- Help reduce the risks of cancer
- Increases energy
- Helps flush out toxins
- Helps kidney function
- Helps in weight loss and weight control
- Creates a youthful appearance
Adult bodies require about 8 glasses of water per day. Your best sources of hydration are clean water and natural fruit juices. Processed juices may contain too much sugar, caffeinated drinks and carbonated drinks may contain diuretics and can add on to your junk caloric intake.
To get better at rehydration, track your water intake.
You can set reminders on your phone and carry a bottle whenever you’re outdoors. You can make your water more palatable by adding lime, lemon, other fruits, or honey.
I told you that these ways are very easy to implement! 🙂
4. Take Cold Showers
If you’re used to hot or warm showers, taking a cold shower can seem scary.
Nonetheless, the scientifically proven benefits are many and well worth it. The mental and physiological benefits include:
- Boosts immunity
- Aids fat loss
- Improves circulation
- Regulates the body’s core temperature
- Relieves depression symptoms
- Cleans and closes pores for smooth skin and great hair
- Increases energy
- Boosts fertility
5. Practice Mindfulness
The best books to better yourself describe mindfulness as the act of being fully present in the moment.
Being acutely aware of your surroundings, your inner thoughts, bodily sensations, and emotions.
It is about being aware of all these without judgment.
When you practice mindfulness, you sense the present without imagining the future or thinking of the past.
The best books to better yourself recommend meditation as a way to exercise mindfulness.
To practice and achieve mindfulness, start with simple meditation. For beginners, a 5-10 minute meditation session will do, then you work up to longer periods.
It’s as simple as just focusing on your breathing and channeling your thoughts to only breathing! 🙂
If you’re interested in knowing more about mindfulness, I highly recommend you to have a look at the in-deep article from Steve at Develop Good Habits called How to Practice Mindfulness: Simple Plan to Be More Mindful.
Related article:
The 6 Self Help Books Everybody’s Talking About
6. Exercise Self-Awareness
Your internal mental processes govern how you respond to external factors.
When you practice self-awareness, you uncover unhealthy habits and destructive thought patterns. This improves your decision-making processes, emotional responses, and intellectual reasoning.
Self-awareness can prepare you for success by empowering you to resist instant gratification and aim for long term gains.
You’ll be better able to say no to distractions such as junk food, social media, impulse shopping, alcohol, recreational drugs, and procrastination.
Related article:
Why Is Self Awareness Important?
7. Identify Blind Spots
This could be a complete topic for another post!
When it comes to better yourself, blind spots are things we’re not aware of about ourselves.
By practicing mindfulness, introspection, and asking for feedback, you can identify the things which hold you back.
Take time to identify the situations which make you anxious, people who make you angry, foods which bring you discomfort, activities which make you uncomfortable, and anything which affects you in a negative way.
Once you have identified your blind spots, work to either eliminate them or find positive ways to interact with them.
8. Regularly Revisit Goals
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year? Do you regularly set monthly and weekly goals in your life and at work? Do you often make plans on how to grow as a person?
If you do, then regularly check on your list of goals and assess how well you have done to achieve each.
Are there some which are impractical? Do you need to get rid of some and change others?
Reflect positively and keep the ones you’re confident in achieving.
You can do this!! 🙂
Related article:
6 Easy Steps to Setting Goals and Achieving Them
Top 26 Personal Development Goals to Change Your Life
9. Manage Your Time Better
It doesn’t matter how intelligent or skilled you are if procrastination keeps you from achieving your goals.
We have limited time, limited energy, and limited focus, so we should make each moment and every effort count. A few things you can do to manage your time better include:
- Prioritizing your tasks. Start with the most important working your way downwards
- Schedule your mail, social media, news etc. This applies to traditional TV/radio news and snail mail just as much as online news and email.
- Know your best work time. Are you most productive early morning or late evening? That’s the time to tackle high priority tasks.
- Just start. Most of the time, we don’t get stuff done because we don’t get started! 🙂
By the way, do you know The Eisenhower Matrix:

Related article:
5 Stupid-simple Techniques for Overcoming Procrastination
10. Declutter Your Space
Watching Marie Kondo help families declutter their houses you can tell how therapeutic the exercise is. Make it your personal goal to declutter all your spaces. These include your closet, your kitchen, your office desk, and your car.
You can follow Marie Kondo’s principle. Only hold on to the things which bring you joy and get rid of the rest.
I think that she’s amazing and we would all feel so much better with less things! 🙂
Related article:
Tidy Up With The Revolutionary KonMari Method
11. Spend Time Outdoors
It would be nice if we all had the discipline to exercise regularly! 🙂
However, that’s rarely the case for most of us. If you’re having trouble pushing yourself to go on a run or to the gym, try simple outdoor activities.
Take a walk around the block, sit with a book at the park, or try riding a bicycle. Simply being indoors has a relaxing effect. Being outdoors opens you up to new experiences even when it’s within familiar territory.
It can spark your creativity and fire up your imagination! 🙂
12. Start a New Hobby
Learning a new hobby has been compared to finding new love.
All the symptoms are present. Adrenalin rush, excitement, a newfound love of life, relaxation, and a burst of creativity!
When starting a new hobby you feel a youthful fervor and a boost of confidence. It’s common to feel a renewed sense of purpose and enhanced confidence.
The main benefits of starting a new hobby include:
- Brings stress relief
- Prevents burnout
- Takes over time which may have been used in risky behavior
- Provides new challenges
- Promotes mental and physical health
- Promotes happiness
Try something new! If you don’t like it as much as you thought you would, you would have tried it! 🙂 There aren’t too much risk! 🙂
13. Remember People’s Names
Remembering people’s names is more difficult than recalling their jobs, hobbies, and where they’re from. And it gets worse as we age!
And that’s why there’s no greater compliment than remembering someone’s name after the first introduction.
Remembering names is important as it makes the other person comfortable around you and brings out their self-worth. You’ll create richer relationships as people will feel a stronger connection to you. Plus, they will be pleasantly surprised and will, in turn, remember your name. Here are a few ways to ensure you remember names the next time you’re introduced to someone.
- Repeat the name once it’s said
- Spell it out and ask for the right pronunciation
- Associate the name with something about the person. Maybe their character, shape of the head, the color of eyes, where they come from, etc.
- Make name connections. For instance, if introduced to Maggie, you connect it with “Maggie like my mom’s sister”.
- Be present. This comes to our point about mindfulness and being present in the moment. It helps you care enough to commit a stranger’s name to memory.
And let me add, to call this person by its name.
Remember that people just want to be heard and understood!
So, show this person that you care about them and call them by their name when you talk to them, they will appreciate it! 🙂
14. Get a Mentor
Getting all these things done to improve your life can be overwhelming especially when you lack guidance and accountability.
“Nobody makes it alone. Nobody has made it alone. And we are all mentors to people, even when we don’t know it.”
Those are the words of Oprah Winfrey who considers Maya Angelou as her mentor.
A mentor will help you work on your weaknesses and optimize your strengths. A mentor can help you understand loss and give life to discarded dreams! 🙂
Searching for a mentor, look for traits that align with your inner core values.
Look for someone who has achieved at a higher degree what you aim to achieve. Find your mentor within your community, in your professional community, job industry, religious affiliation, or even online.
Look for someone with a track record for guiding self-improvement for women in situations similar to yours.
If you can’t find a mentor, get remote mentoring by listening to podcasts, reading personal development and self-improvement books, or watch videos and TED Talks.
15. Listen to The Get Confident, Get Happy Podcast
To improve yourself and your life, you definitely have to build your self-confidence! 🙂
You can do this by listening to my podcast, The Get Confident Get Happy Podcast!
You’re going to love it! 😉
Improve myself, the quote that I like!
We can work on so many projects in our life… What about working on yourself and your life? 🙂
To sum up!
With proper planning, action., and consistency, you can achieve all your desires.
Be honest with yourself and accept that not all personal goals align with who you are.
Pick goals that are in tune with your values and map out ways to achieve each of them.
To improving yourself, take care of your physical health and mental wellbeing so you have the strength and ability to pursue everything else.
Identify weaknesses and blind spots then diligently work on them.
If you want to fast-track your progress, find a mentor, coach, or accountability partner.
You’ve got this!!! 🙂